SOPs for Pediatric Dentists, 3rd Ed.
Pediatric Dentistry is my Specialty
Standard Operating Procedures for Pediatric Dentists by Marsha Freeman is the most complete manual we’ve ever offered. Based on Marsha’s SOPs for All Dentists, it has been pre-configured for pediatrics and includes over 30 new SOPs.
Easily customizable to reflect the needs and style of your practice; it can be quickly adapted to implement new policies and procedures and reflect changes to those already in place. It is divided into eight sections: Mission Statement, General Front Office, Bookkeeping and Data Entry, General Back Office, Hygiene, Management and Marketing, Performance Agreements, and Forms.
With 237 real-world SOPs included as editable files, it couldn’t be easier. As you read the book, identify a SOP for a specific task, go to the corresponding file and edit it to describe the way it’s done in your office (or the way you want it done), print it and place it in the binder—that is, your new Standard Operating Procedures manual! Working from a model saves you hundreds of hours work! You have unlimited permission to edit reproduce the contents of the book for in-house, noncommercial use (dental consultants please note the copyright and use page).
With the accompanying Video Implementation Guide, on DVD or VHS, Marsha leads you and your team through the process. Designed to introduce and facilitate the necessary staff meetings, Marsha offers additional insight, tips and motivation for staying focused as you ‘SOPify’ your practice.